Think you know all of the Disneyland secrets? The popular theme park harbors some deep, dark, and sometimes amusing secrets that you probably don't know. Millions are blissfully unaware as they roam the amusement park in search of...well...amusement. From the so-called "Hidden Mickeys" located all over the park, to driving an actual riverboat, read on to learn the secrets of Disneyland!
Driving the Mark Twain
Yes, that's right! If you play your cards right, you may be able to actually drive the Mark Twain riverboat. Here's what to do: Right before you board, find a cast member and (very nicely) ask them if you can visit the wheel house. If luck is on your side, they'll direct you to the second floor, to a door marked "Private." Knock. The captain of the Mark Twain will answer and guide you up a special ladder to the actual wheel house. That, my friend, is where you will be able to actually take the wheel and steer the boat! You may also learn how to ring the Mark Twain's bell and sound its whistle. Way, way cool!
The fun doesn't end with driving the Mark Twain, oh no. You'll also get to sign a special guest book, one that contains names of those who've gone before you as an honorary driver, dating all the way back to the mid-1950s (when the Twain was dedicated). Your exciting journey will be recorded for all to see.
Interacting With Toy Story Characters There are new Disney characters running around the park every day, but perhaps the most entertaining are the cast members of the Disney/Pixar "Toy Story" series. If you yell "Andy's coming!" in front of the Toy Story characters at Disneyland, they will stop what they're doing and drop, just like in the movie. The characters are great sports about it, going limp like toys straight out of the toy box, and will even let park patrons pose for pictures like they're part of Andy's toy collection as well.
UPDATE: Park officials have commented that the Toy Story characters are no longer allowed to drop to the ground, but will often still stop what they're doing and freeze and/or go limp when a park goer shouts "Andy's coming!".
Indiana Jones Adventure: Hidden Eeyore
The next time you visit the Indiana Jones Adventure, Temple of the Forbidden Eye, pay close attention: You may spot a very familiar Disney character who clearly doesn't fit in. Eeyore! Yes, everyone's favorite pessimist can apparently be seen in the movie room. Some suggest carrying a flashlight and aiming it up after you make your first right and then left. When you hit the end of that first left turn, look up. Shine the flashlight through the boards and you may be able to see him!
Why is Eeyore in the Temple of the Forbidden Eye? Apparently, the Indiana Jones Adventure was constructed directly over the old Eeyore parking lot - and he's there as a tribute. Think even grumpy old Eeyore would be touched? Yeah, probably not, but it's a nice thought anyway!
Hidden Mickeys
Throughout Disneyland, keep your eyes peeled for "hidden" Mickey Mouse ears. They are literally everywhere - for those who take the time to look. Some believe these hidden Mickeys are on each ride...though I haven't been able to find all of them...yet.
*Also, if you're visiting Universal Studios, be on the lookout for a pair of Mickey Mouse ears on the Jurassic Park ride. Strange, right? They are there - hidden inside a dinosaur-ravaged boat.
Haunted Mansion Bullet Hole
Wait, what? An actual real bullet hole inside the Haunted Mansion? Yep, and it's the stuff of Disney urban legend. When you go into the Mansion's grand ballroom, take a close look at the ginormous spider web (complete with a spider, of course) that's hanging down from the fourth column on the right. While it makes for a nice, spooky decoration, it's actually there to hide a bullet hole in the glass! What happened? Stories vary. Some believe a young child shot a BB gun or possibly a slingshot at the glass - it didn't break. Other stories suggest a far more sinister story: That someone with a gun actually aimed and fired at the glass back in the 1970s, leaving behind the hole. No matter which story you believe, the fact remains: That spider web is most definitely serving as more than mere decoration! Rather than replace the whole (very, very large) pane of glass (which would involve taking off the whole roof of the Mansion), Disney opted to cover it up.
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